AASDN Lecture Series
The Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland
Our lectures and meetings 2024
CBA Festival of British Archaeology. Richard III lecture, Dr Richard Buckley.
2024-2025 Lectures and Meetings All lectures are in person at 2.30pm Elvet Riverside (Room ER140) followed by a drink at the County Hotel for those who would like to join us. Please see lectures details below for additional information.
13 Jan 2024
Dr Jane Harrison
University of Newcastle

'A North Northumberland Early Anglo-Saxon high-status site: targeted later by the Viking Great Army?'

10 Feb 2024
Richard Annis and Julie Biddlecombe-Brown
'In search of medieval Raby'

9 March 2024
Richard Pears

'Catholic country houses in Durham and Northumberland 1570-1829'
Now in Room ER201 (the building next door!)
13 April 2024
Kate Chapman, ECUS Ltd
(formerly NAA)

'Excavation and Building Recording at Egglescliffe Old Hall'

11 May 2024
Annual General Meeting

Tour, lecture and AGM at Lumley Castle (10:00-13:00).
Including a talk by Heidi Richards - 'From Romance into Reality in the English Medieval Castle and Landscape'

8 June 2024
Paul Howlett,
York Archaeology

'Micklegate and Guildhall - The results from recent excavations by York Archaeology'

Between May and November 2020, excavations at the North Annexe of the City of York Guildhall, and between November 2022 and June 2023 at 105-111 Micklegate, York have contributed to the understanding of the development of York during the Roman period. In the Roman period the sites were located within the civilian settlement, the colonia. This developed from the 1st Century AD following the founding of the Legionary fortress on the northern bank of the Ouse. The civilian settlement developed rapidly in the latter part of the 2nd Century.

The results of the excavations at Micklegate show the changes in use of the site. The earliest phase of activity on the site was a 2nd/3rd century timber building. Demolition and restructuring were followed in the 3rd century by further phases of demolition and re-building. A high-status town house with an opus signinum floor, hearths and evidence for painted plaster walls was found. The latest Roman activity was a tiled hearth and possible smelter with dumping and occupation deposits, dating to the 4th century.

Now in Room ER201 (the building next door!)
21st September 2024
Natalie Swann,
Senior Archaeologist, Archaeological Services Durham University

'Recent excavations on Durham peninsula and within Durham City'.
Archaeological Services has recently completed the post-excavation analysis of the site of the new library at St John's College on South Bailey. The discoveries, which are being published in Durham Archaeological Journal alongside previous excavations by ECUS in the College gardens, together with other recent archaeological works in Durham City, have changed our understanding of the prehistoric and medieval origins of Durham.
12 October 2024
Jules Brown,
Historic Places Adviser, Historic England

'Bishop Auckland Heritage Action Zone'
Funded by Historic England and Durham County Council, the Bishop Auckland Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) set out to address the long-term decline in town centre vitality and the condition of historic buildings, helping to improve local people's lives. Jules Brown describes the outcomes of the project and its legacy.
9 November 2024
Tim Bailey,
Xsite Architecture and Chair of Northern School of Art

'Hartlepool Conservation Area'
Architect Tim Bailey hails from Hartlepool. His lecture explores this particular part of the town’s 'At Risk' architectural heritage and its potential role in shaping the vision for the town’s future with highlights on the Heugh Gun Battery and St Hilda's.
14 December 2024
David Mason,
Senior Archaeologist, Durham County Council

'What the Romans did for Durham and Northumberland'
County archaeologist since 2004, David Mason reflects on his career over 30 years' and paints a picture of Roman settlement in the hinterland of Hadrian’s Wall.
11 January 2025
Dr Rob Young,
consultant 'Community Archaeology in Teesdale'

Former English Heritage Inspector Rob Young talks about the search for prehistoric settlement at Gueswick Hills near Cotherstone with Altogether Archaeology.

8 February 2025
Professor Peter Rowley-Conwy,
Professor Emeritus at Durham University

'Early Farming in Britain'
Peter is passionate about animal bones, plant remains, hunter-gatherers and especially pig archaeology. Always an entertaining speaker, he will share his research insights into early farming in Britain.
15 March 2025
Josh Gaunt and
Claire Christie,
Headland Archaeology

'Defining Spaces in Iron Age Northumberland: Excavations at Morley Hill and Lower Callerton'
The Iron Age settlements excavated by Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd at Morley Hill and Lower Callerton lie within the rich later prehistoric landscape of the Northumberland Coastal Plain. At Morley Hill, work revealed two later Iron Age settlements defined by rectilinear enclosures surrounding groups of roundhouses with evidence for earlier phases of activity. The excavations at Lower Callerton revealed evidence of earlier prehistoric activity overlain by a large Iron Age enclosure with over 53 roundhouses and structures, multiple sub-enclosures and boundaries. These two large-scale datasets allow for an increased understanding of Iron Age settlement patterns, architectural forms, and farming practices across the region.
12 April 2025
Kylie Buxton,
Excavation Project Officer, West Yorks Archaeological Services

'Recent excavations at Buxton Lane, Ryhope'

8 June 2025
Graeme Dodd,
RIBA SCA Specialist Conservation Architect at Napper Architects

'Marrying the old and new, looking back to look forwards - recent projects at Newcastle City Pool, Morpeth Railway Station and Low Newton Rocket House'


Lindisfarne Monastery, Northumberland.


The Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland


